Nicola Spurling

Societal readiness assessment

with Monika Buscher, Cron Cronshaw, the DecarboN8 Network and the IsITEthical/SoRA collective

Societal readiness assessment is a methodology and prototype digital tool I developed with Monika Buscher as co-leads of the societal readiness work package and Cron Cronshaw as Research Associate, within the  EPSRC-funded DecarboN8 network

DecarboN8 was a collaboration of eight universities in the north of England (the N8), and a much broader network of policy makers, local authorities, business and third sector, all focused on place-based innovation for the decarbonisation of transport. 

The societal readiness assessment methodology (SoRA) aims to ensure that such innovations promote social justice, maximise carbon reduction (by using low carbon materials and enabling low carbon practices), create additional social goods, and are fit for a decarbonised society. 

I led the participatory design and conceptualisation of the methodology’s first prototype through designing and facilitating participatory workshops with the DecarboN8 network members; and, establishing and chairing the DecarboN8 stakeholder reference group, who co-designed and piloted iterations of the methodology, and provided guidance on potential audiences/ processes for the tool. Monika and I also embedded an early prototype of the tool into the DecarboN8 seedcorn grant application and evaluation process (3 funding rounds), thus impacting the societal readiness aspects of 15 rapid decarbonisation R&I projects funded through the network grant.

You can read more about subsequent development of the methodology, which is now being developed as a service through the IsITethical and SoRA collective. The methodology is discussed in Sustainability, 2023, 15(6):5140.

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